There is talent inside that building? Who knew?

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We can't really develop an opinion on this until we know what America's Mayor thinks about it.

C'mon, Rudy, you hateful asshole: put the Maraschino cherry on this banana split of malice.

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I'm not going to cut Brillo any slack for this one teensy crumb of human feeling. Fuck that guy, and fuck his teevee station and fuck everybody who listens to him and thinks what he says is right.

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Next to Hannity or Megyn Kelly or the rest of the wall to wall resentful white male butthurt salve that is Fox News/ Bill is just playing the "voice of moderation" card to keep that thin veneer of credibility intact for the network

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I'm not so sure. The thin blue line mentality is pretty damn strong- they protect their own. What's far less likely is that your hypothetical white guy would ever have to worry about it in the first place.

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...news flash asshole, "intent" doesn't shield you from prosecution/indictment. That is why there is a difference between "manslaughter" and "murder"! This cop should've been indicted, <strong>PERIOD</strong>!!!

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I'll leave this here <a href="https://twitter.com/ryanjre..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="https://twitter.com/ryanjreilly/status/5402598208...">https://twitter.com/ryanjre...

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While it may be only against department policy, still pretty sure strangling peoples is illegal in most locales, even if you're a cop.

Which is why you never heard of The Boston Policy Violator.

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Ah, but were they LIT?

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<i>I heard somebody say.... (Vote, baby, vote) Disco Inferno (Vote, baby, vote) Vote dat mutha down. </i>

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Keep...um....choking that chicken, Bill-O.

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Bill O'Reilly has a lucid moment. That's great. Most of us do that, 24-7. But sure, BillO deserves recognition! Just like a cop who only accidentally this one time homicides a man! He should be rewarded with a fucking TRIAL.

If he's "innocent of a crime," like the withhheld judgment of BillO's judgment -- because self-important dickbags just can't resist an opportunity to judge -- then all that shit comes out in a real trial and Daniel Chokley McMurderson is literally exonerated, not just handwaved through some ham-sandwich court.

Fuck this pre-game ref-working grand-jury bullshit. Put the shit on trial, and just like every other schmo fucker who chokes out a living man until he is dead, let the gavel fall where it may.

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A pony. And some of those cakes, you know the ones.

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There are also degrees of murder. There's negligent homicide. There's aggravated manslaughter. There's a hundred reasons to haul this pig in front of a judge and make him explain <i>exactly</i> what he thought he was doing, out loud where everyone can see it.

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Not Steve, but instead the perpetual runner up in the competition for "worst person named King in Congress", and not for lack of trying!

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