Kirk was/is not a teabagger. I don't believe one could get elected in my area. He was previously a jerk-face. I'm hoping his scrape with mortality lead him to morality.

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OT When you scroll down does some asshole walk across your screen every time, interrupting the comment flow? If I watch him with sound on ONCE, will that end the horror? Or is it like Groundhog Day, and I have to scroll through him in every Wonkette posting?

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Junior staffers/interns are usually still sober on Tuesday at 11.

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Almost every post.

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I don't normally agree with Kirk on many things but TWO reasonable senators from IL? thanks fellow voters!

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It's perhaps a little late to be pointing this out, but if your party really wants to practice responsible governance it's probably not a great idea to run around for a few years encouraging monomaniacal Revolutionary War cosplayers to run for office.

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I'm not even getting my naked boyfriend shaving anymore. Trix must hate me.

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I hope so—that will make it even easier to pick up his seat. He could easily milk the stroke sympathy to get re-elected.

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Thanks a lot. I had a very specific President Cruz Oval Office fantasy and you just f*cking ruined it.

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Dear Senator Kirk, yes please yes do go back to being the liberal, intelligent Republican that had a lot of Democrats sending you to the Senate, and stop the kowtowing to the Tea Party. Thank you.


All of Illinois

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He started like an old-fashioned liberal Republican (we used to have those), went full tea party for a while, had a devastating stroke, and came back sensible. Nothing like a brush with death to cut through the bullshit.

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If I stare at the picture long enough the dress changes to gold and the face becomes Ted. It's really spooky.

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Which wouldn't have mattered, because IL Dems used to like him and we'd have voted him back in, incumbentness (incumbitude? ah- incumbancy) being what it is. But he toyed with the dark side and we'll never trust him again, no matter how much he tries to get back to being the Kirk from the original series.

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Kirk was not a teabagger. He was a liberal Repub from the North Shore, which is full of pretty liberal Republicans. But he started toying with some of the teabagger idiocy. Lisa Madigan's gonna wipe the mat with him in 2016.

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Don't. Do. That......

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Can't we do something about that?....measles, maybe? Send them on a fact-finding junket to Disneyland?....

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