<i>I object!

Shaddap and siddown, Roberts! I was talking about this dude here!</i>

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There can only be two Sith at a time: one a master, the other an apprentice.

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thanks for reminding me of the 2016 stakes.

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That guy really doesn't have any sense of style, does he? That's the definition of a shitbox mcmansion. Good thing they clear-cut all the trees before building it, wouldn't want it to look like somewhere humans should live.

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Scalia will have <a href="http:\/\/store.theonion.com\/images\/Product\/medium\/5446.jpg" target="_blank">his revenge. </a>

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and Uncle Thomas is moonlighting as a Honeymoon photographer

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Doritos hangover

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I think she's just ornery enough to outlast Cruz

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not sure of the date, but the ceremony will be at Westminster Abbey and instead of a best man there will be a best in show

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No greater <strike>self-aggrandizement</strike> love.

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I'll be right back after I gouge out my own eyes.

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But always there for the buffet table.

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Where the law won't provide, only a crowbar (or jaws of life) will do.

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How old were Justices Holmes and Stevens when each one retired?

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Were Scalia's absences hunting trips?

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Not if the teabaggers have anything to say about it.

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