Lamestream Blue Blood Republicans can't dictate the votes of honest, God-fearing Americans who have shit for brains!

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<i>I'll be all around in the dark - I'll be everywhere. Wherever you can look - wherever there's a fight, so grifters can make money, I'll be there. Wherever there's a rightwinger beatin' up a union guy, I'll be there. I'll be in the way guys yell when their wife thinks she's a genius. I'll be in the way kids groan when they're hungry and they know it's gonna be moose chili again, and when the people are eatin' the stuff they got someone else to pay for and livin' in the houses they stole - I'll be there, too. </i>

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Et tu? Just got a message yesterday that I'm being <strike>stalked</strike> followed by UnionsRstreetgangs.

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Well you have the rich, stodgy, who cares if the gays want to buttfuck each other at the marriage altar as long as I have my tax cuts "establishment" Republicans; and then you have Cletus and Ima Jean from Retardsville, Alabama, who, based on their sheer numbers keep the GOP in power, because the dimmycrats are too friendly towards the blacks and the homos. And Cletus and Ima Jean love them some-a-that Mama Grizzly.

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58% favorability is enough to win her the Republican nomination youbetchadontchaknow.

(Or at least that's how she'll see it.)

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This thread is making me starburst.

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Maybe the voters of Alaska will take her back as their Governor.


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Now see? We Wonketteers have been sick of her for years.

As goes Wonkette...so goes the nation.

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That's her "Trig needs a diaper change and I ain't fucking gonna to it" face.

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Oh sure, because the Republicans won an overwhelming majority in the House, and a too-close-for-comfort margin in the Senate, everything is <i> all the democrats fault.</i>

Funny thing, winning big in an election. You have to actually start owning some of the responsibility.

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Sarah, please STFU and just rapidly fade into obscurity.

PS: For the douchebag Palinheads who are downfisting, I know your registered as "TheStenchofLibuancy" and "UnionsRStreetGangs." It's pretty easy for me to shit in your house, electronically speaking.

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it's the aging former beauty look. it's awful and she often has it.

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considering her attention to detail, i imagine she will be announcing her presidential candidacy in short order.

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Finally, a melt-down I can cheer about.

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<i>there will be infomercials for adult diapers, live appearances at regional strip-mall openings</i> You forget infomercials for those Time-Life books and "music" collections and shilling for some old person insurance program to supplement the Medicare.

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