Of course, Republicans come up short in that area

Penis cakes are definitely not the only area for which this is true.

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Fair enough.

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I'm sure we missed a lot of Canadian in-jokes. And except for Victor Garber, who I didn't know was Canadian until just now, I don't know those actors at all. My loss, no doubt.

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Oh I agree. It's absolutely mind boggling that guns are so freely available and accessible in the US. I live in the UK though and we do have very strict gun laws. As I had family in Dunblane Primary school - our only school shooting - I'm profoundly grateful for that.

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Why did the survey only ask Christian sects? What about Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Gnostis, Agnostics,? And how about Muslims? Are they cool with gay citizen equality?

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There is no gay marriage. There is marriage equality.

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"Boston marriage" ain't what it used to be.

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They're all in for Moloch. Makes me wonder if they're reading their Bibles backward to get the Judas Priest version.

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They're not big names outside Canada, though Czerny has played a lot of smaller parts in American movies. The really cool thing about Victor Garber being on Schitt's Creek is that he and Eugene Levy have known each other since the early 1970s, when they were in the Toronto production of Godspell along with Gilda Radner and most of the original cast of SCTV.

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I looked Garber up and discovered some of this. That really is cool. I first became aware of him in the movie of Godspell (I'm old enough to have seen it in theaters). Pretty sure I first discovered Levy in the Christopher Guest "mockumentaries." He's great in those, of course, but it was wonderful to see him in his own (co) creation. As I said elsewhere, it took us a while to get into it, but when we did, we were seriously hooked.

My wife and I generally like Canadian humor a lot; I'm sure there's lots of good stuff we don't know about.

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I've come to see it as a "bimodal" rather than a binary distribution. Two peaks at the M and F points, but a LOT of stuff between them.

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Or start an online comic.

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I've never understood the fascination, myownself...

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Keep in mind that the only people in Congress who care what Republican voters think are Democrats. Republicans don't care because they don't have to. They could demand that R voters serve up their children in the Senate lunch room, pre-cooked, with mashed potatoes, and they'll still push the R button like good little trained monkeys.

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