I'm sorry. It's a thoughtless thing to say, and if you try to tell people that, they get their hackles up and refuse to hear why they shouldn't say it because now they feel bad, and it's all about them feeling bad, and why are you saying they're bad?!

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Everything I stated was a fact.She started as a Green.She proudly supported Nader.She was a superdelegate that refused to vote for the nominee in 2016.You are entitled to your own ignorance. You can not make me share it.

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Looking for the "good" republicans, good luck!

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Nixon actually proposed a national health insurance system. It was shot down from the left.

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Your first paragraph may well be right, I don't care enough about Sinema to bother to fact check it.

CHIPS and COBRA were giveaways to the insurance cartels, and Romneycare (its original name) has been a license to print money. Of course the Third Way Dems supported them.

Stuffing the formerly sacrosanct Social Security Trust Fund with IOUs didn't actually balance the budget, but at least it's better than what they originally tried to do, privatize Social Security and make people invest their SS funds in the Wall Street casinos. Fortunately Congress was distracted by a stained blue dress before they could pull it off.

Who resisted Shrub? It wasn't the Third Way Dems, that's for damn sure. We had 8 years of "go along to get along", "bipartisanship" that meant Democrats capitulated to every Republican demand. Who showed up in the street to protest the Patriot Act, and who voted for it? Who protested the Iraq invasion and who voted for it? I almost cried when Pelosi declared, "Impeachment is off the table" when presented with clear evidence of what the Nuremberg Commission called "the supreme international crime" and executed people for.

The assault weapons ban? Want to take credit for that, with its built in 10 year expiration? Go ahead. Nibbling away at the edges of the Second Amendment set precedent for nibbling at the First Amendment, and now you can proudly take credit for Free Speech Zones if you want. They're working on the Fourth Amendment now, and already Customs has the "right" to access all your electronic communications whenever you're within (IIRC) 200 miles of a border, navigable waterway or port of entry like the Denver International Airport It would have been far better to do the heavy lifting of repealing or rewriting the Second Amendment rather than pretending it means something that it doesn't.

I'll stop here, you've obviously drunk too much of the Kool-aid to recover.

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IIRC he proposed something like Romenycare Obamacare, a giant giveaway to the insurance cartels. The left wanted nationalized healthcare like every other advanced nation on the planet.

Edit: I may not remember correctly, I was still in grade school when he resigned.

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Amazing. I'd love to hear more about all this. And yeah....I've been in any number of conversations with people both pro and anti-union and it always turns out I'm the only prole who has even been in one. Every. Fucking. Time.

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This guy gets it.

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I suppose the other Democrats should apply any relentless pressure they can to those two, and if they still won't help smash the filibuster, the president should try his utmost to get them out of office, fast. As should every Democrat in the country. They are dead weight and need to be dropped overboard - even, or especially, by their own constituents.

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Ah! So you are committed to incoherent babbling to support the right.

I mistook you for a decent or coherent person.

You are neither.

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Yeah, sorry, I've been an actual progressive for half a century, not likely to change now.

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As I understand it, we're stuck with Synema til 2024 - and at this point I honestly think we'd have better luck wooing over a Repugh like Cheney. As for Manchin, I don't know if we can hope for better even if he were to go. So back to Ms Bonny's question - what, specifically, are the actual Dems supposed to do about it?

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In the 18th c., the Polish Sjem had a unanimity rule, so that all Austria had to do to prevent any Polish legislation it disapproved of was to bribe one Pole. Poland was subsequently dismembered.

Just sayin'.

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I get a distinct whiff of I'm-bored-with-bing-a-senator from Sinema. It is not unknown for a legislator to be bought out of office. Jim DeMint comes to mind.

Generally, that is something I disapprove of but desperate times call for desperate measures.

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It goes back way further than that.The eclipse of Goldwater in '64 has submerged the crazy ideas that the Republicans embraced then. Much crazier than anything they are pushing today.

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You do not really know how other counties manage their health care, do you? Start with T.R.Reid's The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care

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