As far as I can tell, that's the only way they can make the donor class happy. Sith Lord Cheney is no shape to do it again. Newt could possibly, maybe, mitigate the utter disaster of Trump, as Cheney tried to do with Bush. But who knows if Trump will take it. Manafort is having enough trouble with the campaign.

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To be fair, you do not even have to watch it anymore. Just read a Trump speech. There ya go.

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Fuckers. I think Texas has high water fees too, and electic, all private of course, free hand and all that.If there is a place in hell, there better be a special place for those who try to make money off giving people water.

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Dear Mr. Ryan,

Please keep your "healing" cock away from me.

No Love, Me

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You should also read 'The Marching Morons' which is what inspired Judge to make the movie, while baring in mind that they are very different pieces.

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I've always wanted to be a character in the movie se7en. Nope.

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The important thing to remember is that Paul Ryan had absolutely nothing to do with the things he's chastising everyone else for. It's vital you remember that, Essential. Didn't do that sort of thing. No siree!.

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Yes, the GOP loses the "personality contest" in the same way your racist uncle loses the "etiquette contest" on Thanksgiving.

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But what of the leg humping? WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?!?Sorry, you mentioned barking, chasing, and pandemonium. I figured that plea had to fit in somewhere.

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Every single thing on your list restricts Freedom. I don't know how, but they all do.

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I believe it was, Harvey Dent.

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Newt, huh? What a great choice .He is SO SMART!

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Yeah, we need solutions - but how can someone who's answer to everything is to just force the poor to either die of illness or starve to death going to be able to possibly provide them?

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Harvey's a piker. Der Drumpf has at least five faces.

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Funny, I thought that it was a majority of average American voters who wanted a Muslim infiltrator running the country. I stand corrected.

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It *should* be a glaringly obvious example of their incompetence. :)

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