Then you tell the lapdog media that the band refused to take requests, and the dance floor was too big, and the hosts weren't open to new suggestions about what refreshments to serve.

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They don't understand how a blah could win two consecutive elections without some major "funny business". Those darn liberals.

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oh awesome thanks!

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I want to move to France but how will my cats get along there?

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A modern military semiauto, generally in 223 or 308, I guess. The look of an American M16/M4 as opposed to those AKs that the lower classes use.

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The Repubs are, indeed, revolting.

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This is complete Festivus wonderfulness.

Although they shouldn't be leaving the bread in the cheese like that. Assuming it's cheese.

These people deserve some kind of internet award.

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In the spirit of compromise, may I suggest that it would be reasonable to let them halfway across?

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I think that was the point of the comment. See: "briar patch".

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Well, you worthly Wokette scum, I'ma off to the in-laws for the next couple days. Best Holiday (of your choice) wishes to all of y'all. My personal holiday wish is for O to hold firm and drive us over the fiscal molehill. I want to see teabaggers refuse to vote to <i>reduce</i> tax rates on the middle class. I'm hoping it'll work like throwing a blue blanket over a bogeyman's head.

Have a good celebration of whatever. Don't drink more than the full contents of any one bottle.

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*In a stereotypical Dad's voice* “I'll give you something to cry about.”

Merry Christmas Libtards!

Like any of you commies believe in the magic Jeebus guy but, WTF.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=qTx-sdR6Yzk" target="_blank">Merry Xmas everyone: keep the Yule in Yuletide!</a>

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“The imposition of Obamacare against the wishes of the people is an unequivocal expression of the anticipated tyrannical powers,”

I know this has already probably said, but what the fuck don't these people understand about 332 to 206???

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FOUR assault rifles?!?! The cheapest I've ever seen is a Bushmaster, a little under $700 and it's considered the low priced, entry level AR rifle. Colt is a huge maker and they're always over $1,000. Once you buy one you can hot rod them, with barrels as small as 11 inches or as long as 30", a Picatinny rail (attaches to the fore end near the barrel to attach all those cool accessories), expensive optics, and on and on. I'm assuming your brother-in-law ordered cases of .223 in preparation for Our Glorious Leader's roundup? Seriously, if you have a 12 gauge shotgun and a rifle such as a 30.06 you can hunt practically anything on this continent, engage in all of the target shooting you could want, and still be out a lot less than the cost of one of these 'black' rifles. And not be considered a loon by your in-laws.

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And I dont think gavels are the kind of pounding Mr. DeLay is most familiar with these days.

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