now that we're all enraged about barry, can we get rid of that stupid 'bristol palin in a russian hat' picture?

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I lived in Battle Creek Michigan for a few years. It's a good place to move away from. I still hate the state. Screw her and not in the nice way.

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We made so much money on the bailouts, we can afford to give everyone a tax cut.

True story. I met a woman from China who was working in U.S.A. She said America had so many complicated taxes, while China had no taxes. How do they pay for roads and military and stuff? I foolishly asked. Because the government owns everything so when you make a phone call or turn on the lights.... Communism has a 0% flat tax. Beat that Dick Armey.

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Did anyone call California to see what Ahnold thought? If you're jonesing for the opinions of washed up, powerless lame ducks you may as well get the granddaddy of them all.

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Jennifer Granholm: I'd hit it.

That is all.

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