Patrick Bateman would like to compare business cards.

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Q) Why did the Lohan cross the road?

A) to get back the drunken pix on the other side

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"The Freaky Friday"

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I was much more interested in this story when I misread the headline as "Everyone in Congress choking Lindsey Graham

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speaking as an actor drunk, i would take offense except for the fact that la lohan has squandered both talent and (much rarer and more precious) hollywood luck.

that's hard to forgive.

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having ensured a victory for the democrats, the republican party is now making a lohan comeback its next priority.

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Probably shots of Lohan 'powdering her nose'.

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It's funny because it's sad.

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This is the best chase scene Miss Lohan could muster up?

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What does Todd Akin think about this incident ?

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According to the gossip columns, Lohan prefers stealing to buying.

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