Dog food as well. It's gone up 10% due to the tarrifs.

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We have good intentions, but we show up to a gunfight with a bouquet of flowers.

I'm convinced that we will NEVER learn from our mistakes. We threw Al Franken under the bus, as he was obviously getting rat fucked. Christ, his accuser WORKED for Fox Tv. Could they have been any more obvious? He was ASKING for an investigation, which is usually not the hallmark of the guilty man.

This notion that everybody has to be 100% perfect ALL the time, including when they are young, is going to sink us.

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We fall for it every single time. We're like Charlie Brown; we NEVER learn that Lucy is NOT going to ever let us kick that football.

We've got a racist loon in the WH, who is probably working for Russia, and we're worried about what some guy wore for Halloween 30 years ago, and if HE resigns, we're going to call for Fairfax to resign. I guess we'll all be happy when openly racist idiot Ed Gillespie is running VA. .

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There are similarities...accusations of sexual impropriety from several years ago. I'm not sure what the OP had in mind exactly, but surely you can understand how someone might seek to learn something by comparing the two cases?

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upvote although libeling cinnamon, mang.

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Excellent point.

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It won't be Gillespie it will be the republican speaker of the house.


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Actually no, I don;t really understand. Each case on it's own merits. No matter who the accused is, no matter who the accuser is.

It's not a competition. If the accusation is found to be baseless then move on. If it is credible, then some kind of further action needs to be taken.

Reflexive calls of, "It's nothing but ratfucking if my side is accused", especially using an example of a politician who resigned prior to any investigation being done is fucked up.

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Who was this?

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What's Virginia for again?

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Ricketts. He owns the Chicago Cubs, founded TD Ameritrade, and is one of the GOP's biggest donors. This SHOULD be front page news, but instead we're all arguing about a guy who may have worn a racist Halloween costume thirty years ago, instead of an actual racist who is saying all kinds of racist shit RIGHT NOW>

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Whoever it's going to be will be far worse than Northam, that I know.

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Oops. I said the longer he drags this out the worse things will get:"Dr. William Elwood worked with others on the layout for Eastern Virginia Medical School's 1984 yearbook -- the same yearbook that featured a photo of a person in blackface and another person in a Ku Klux Klan outfit on Ralph Northam's personal page. Elwood said photos for personal pages "were chosen by the individual student.""They were submitted in a sealed envelope with their name on it to the yearbook staff, to be put on their page," Elwood told CNN. "The pictures for the personal ones were not just chosen at random from other pictures that might have been available at that time." Elwood said it's possible someone other than Northam submitted the disturbing photo, but it seems unlikely. https://www.cnn.com/2019/02...

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Yup, the older one.

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Yep and they will get to stripping rights from women and minorities. But hey at least we will have the moral high ground. /s

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The implication is that sexual abusers are only EVER people we already disliked. We liked Franken and Fairfax, ergo those bitches are lying!

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