He's probably a whole lot more friendly with the tumescent left.

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Sorry Allen -- we're judging you not by the color of your skin, but by the quality of your character. (Someone, somewhere, once told us we should do that -- let us know if you disagree.)

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ҙ«Ò™Βͺ Well, I Talk about it, Talk about it, Talk about it, Talk about it, Talk about, Talk about, Talk about movin.

Gotta move on, Gotta move on, Gotta move on.

Won't you take me to Hymietown. ҙ«Ò™Βͺ

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But they're great, if you cut 'em up and pan-fry them.

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Don't forget our own "Uncle" Thomas Sowell!

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You think socialists can't be authoritarians?

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It pains me to point out that West's "not a lady" rhetoric is meant to evoke DWS's double mastectomy. To remind people (or her) that she lost part of her femininity. He's a cad who should apologize for such language to such a woman.

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Just don't criticize him for doing it -- that's racist.

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But on the other hand, if you're black and a Repubican, you get to be on teevee a lot.

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Indecisive SOBs. Are the lieutenants or are they colonels? Choose, damn it.

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<i>"I grew up in the inner city, strong values, came from a strong military family and background" </i>

What a disappointment! All those advantages and he throws it away by becoming an asshole. Allen, you could have made something good out of yourself.

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I'm epicbutthurtMan!

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See, we in Texas don't have the complete collection of stupid, racists, homophobic, sexist, execution-loving whack jobs. Florida now takes the lead.

Put your big boy pants on Arizona or Indiana - it's your turn.

And fellow Texans don't be disenchanted. Big Chief Rick Pretty Hair will be having his Prayerapooloza in Houston in 2 weeks. We'll soon be number 1 in crazy people.

PS: Al Franken is awesome.

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