A funny: remember when Bush getting drunk and falling in the bleachers at the Olympics was beneath the dignity of the office? It just seems quaint now.

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Feels like a tent revival meeting.

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Good. The propaganda machine had the entire country believing that Stalin’s USSR was what socialism means. Then Republicans decided to call everyone to the left of Reagan a socialist. Now people are not afraid of socialism like they were, just skeptical. Trump being against it could start leading people to think, “Why not?”

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He does have a Razzie award....

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"White House Russia adviser Fiona Hill" -- Hmmmmm... In a normal timeline that would be easy to parse, but with the current administration, I'm not sure if that title means she advises the White house on Russia or advises Russia on the White house.

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Oh yeah, he's been over and under-valuing his assets as it suits him for decades - he's definitely done some tax-dodging along with a big old pile of bank and insurance frauds.

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The children's rabbit had some very expensive something or other pinned on it in this scandal.

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So, OT, President Shitstains is visiting the Ives St Laurent place in Keene Texas on Thursday. My husband's shitferbrains hunting buddy was planning to attend and he's thinking of backing out because it's gonna be a NIGHTMARE to get around the place. It's at an old ranch that has narrow, two lane, no shoulder roads that wind around. I don't know where visitors plan to park. Seems like a security risk, what what do I care? I WORK, and even if I didn't, I'd stay away because everything President Stain touches dies.

I hope the 500 good souls they have working there can find other jobs. Remember Carrier?

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Prions are a bitch.

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Did he really do that?

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Jeez what a shitstain.

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Why does Jim Jordan always look like he's a flunky laughing at the mean comment one of the popular kids made?

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This is truly the darkest timeline.

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Zat's vat I said!- Sigmund

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Be sure to catch one of the "1-800 Fraud Guarantee" leaflets they drop. Those will be worth money someday.

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