DR's monster hat is THE BEST OMG. I want one with the Wonkette logo on it.

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The ONE time I'm not alluding to his fine glutes (in 501s or mom jeans, who cares)...

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[ISWYDT--like "football in the groin" it works on so many levels....]

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[needs moar cowbell.]

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the grift that keeps on grifting?

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That adjective has lost all meaning.

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Watch it!

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But it IS Predisential!

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with a cutness overload, monster hat like that, i am willing to tolerate a little judgyness. but you know, we won't let vegan buttholes die in vain. they will live forever in inside jokes on the comment threads, if such a thing did exist, which it doesn't. i was never here....

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not even if you paid me.

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thanks, obama.

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my mom sure thought so when i was a kid. it, and the star were the only "newspapers" that were regularly in our house.

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I know someone who lives in a tiny apartment, they keep their books in boxes in a storage facility. Once a month they pack up the books on the shelf and swap the box with the one of the ones in storage.

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I love that. Reminds me of my Granny watching soap operas and confessing that she and her teenaged sisters read trashy novels while they were sitting around on their horses minding the grazing cattle.

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It's actually about 47 degrees north here, but I couldn't get it to tip at that angle.

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Great effort, AJ. I've started doing something similar, but blush to admit that I just turn on French subtitles (with original, i.e. English, sound) while watching Netflix. Which makes for an entertaining three language fruit salad in my case.

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