I want a club.

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Clearly a failure in communications with her campaign manager. She thought she was going to preach to the bumpkins.

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I’m beginning to think she wouldn’t make a very good president.

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The game is not over until they are under a desk in the fetal position.

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No kidding. Her family is larger than my high school senior class.

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At the end, when everyone else knows all hope is lost, they usually hunker in the bunker.

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Years ago, when the former San Francisco Police Chief was running for Mayor, he ran away from a gay crowd so fast he lost one of his shoes.

They auctioned it off.

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I know. There are just too many directions the kid could have taken that.

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Michele would have spoken to the students, but they only had five forms of ID, not the required six. That's why she had to call the police on them.

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i am of the opinion that this gop presidential field is funnier than anything monty python ever produced.

except of course for the consequences.

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i bet she was wearing ugly shoes too.

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"Some college kids have just showed up on private property to crash a private party! Quick, call the police to cordon off an area for them to stand around in!"

Michele's story doesn't make sense to me, but one thing I've learned is, never delve into a crazy person's story.

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When they say "Nun" then mean none.

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Gotta man-up, One-L...lord knows, Marcus can't help you in this department...Presidents are actually expected to rub elbows with the vast unwashed illiterate and non-hoverrounding masses.

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