I climbed those mountains of dead babies. It was squishy, hard going, and really clogged up our crampons. Made it to the summit, but we lost a lot of good men along the way.

ETA: Thank you, Dok for the fantastic review. That was a wonderful little film, 4.5 stars. Would watch again, but while trippn' balls to get the full effect of the lunacy.

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If only there had been pirrhanas waiting at the bottom. Now, that I would have paid money to see.

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Dammit, I was hoping you and steverino could give us the inside scoop.

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I prefer the Kevin Spacey/Bernadette Peters version.

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Outstanding Achievement in Hairstyling for a Miniseries.

5 wigs. Bravo!!!!

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What do we want? A CURE FOR DYSLEXIA! When do we want it? WON!

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"The Cosby Sweater made me do it"

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Nah, that's where they bake the debbilweed brownies. The babby parts get sold for Lamboughinis. Try to keep up.

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It's creepy that he found such a carefully crafted fascimile.

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Mebbe the warden thought they'd be a good influence on each other.

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Spent your inheritance, did she? You gotta watch 'em when they get old.

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Don't tell ISIS—they'll never let us live it down.

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From news reports, ISIS knows this already.

Same Old Testament stuff.

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they kept the original dies, apparently

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But Satan really does control us! Um, we *are* talking about the GOP, and their 158 Big Money people, like the Kochs and the Waltons, right?

mark "No, Darth Cheney worshipped Cthulhu in the White House basement"

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She couldn't resist the "buy four, get the fifth free" deal they were offering.

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