Cognitive dissonance at its finest!

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More investigations? Don't we already have actionable data?

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They are (at least a fair percent). That is just a a fact. And the Rs just voted down a domestic terrorism bill that focused on far-right actors and their known infiltration of law enforcement and the military (there was an FBI report in 2006 or 8. The Rs squelched that pronto.)

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I have been screaming about Exhibit A SINCE COLUMBINE. I also use Vietnam and Emmett Till at the best example.

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We thought he was just joking.

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Bye-bye, royal pissant.

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What does the fox say?


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"Pray, read, run, lift, shoot." Wait, what's all this bullshit about "reading"?? Take that right out, and add another segment of "lift!"

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I keep forgetting whether we're talking about Buffalo or Uvalde. Maybe it's mainly due to my own fuzzy memory, but I take it as a sign of the times. Sigh

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I believe it was Mahatma Gandhi who said "Gargle my balls, Esteban." https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Please review the rules. Hoping someone gets beaten or killed in prison is not allowed here. No, not even terrible people. Jesus.

— Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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This is actually carved into his memorial.

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"We want an end to school shootings!""NO! Relative to the total number of deaths there are per year from other causes school shootings hardly matter!"

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That's the point of the drills I guess. Now they can make adjustments.

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Given they were in the army in 2012, they probably ARE 11 of the nazis in your police department...PD's across the country has heavily recruited ex-military.

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