You're right, but know that many folk (myself included) here in GA working hard to fight back against that voter suppression as well, friend.

I'd be more worried here about a different Republican running. Trump gets the vote out for sure, and if he runs, he'll bring that backlash out again. We already proved there are more of us than them, and we'll prove it again.

I voted absentee, as I have done since I was in the military, but I would have crawled through lava if I had to vote in person, and I wasn't alone.

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I can't believe how this cretin continues to get away with murder. Somebody--anybody--please arrest him ASAP. For anything he's done, I don't even care what.

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They brought out a golden trump calf. Don't underestimate their misplaced fervency.

Republicans: the bible party that flagrantly breaks the first commandment.

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His whole strategy is destroy media credibility with insults, and hedge his ass off so he won't be accountable.

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Not many.

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Everything is Nancy Pelosi’s fault because she reminds them of their mom telling them to go to their rooms for being such noxious, arrogant shits.

I am. Just. So. Fucking. Done. With these people.

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Trump says there were going to be hundreds of thousands of people at the rally on the Ellipse and and that it was going to be a big, beautiful, peaceful crowd. He also claims he directed that there be 10,000 national guard troops protecting the Capitol that day.

"Col. Jessup, if you gave an order that Santiago was not to be touched, and if your orders are always followed, why would Santiago in be danger, why would it be necessary to transfer him off the base?"

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I'm think what I am experiencing right now is a bit of cognitive dissonance. (?)

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No one took him seriously? After he lied about the size of his inauguration crowd numbers over and over in the face of photographic evidence to the contrary? You've got to be kidding me? The guy that told tens of thousands of verifiable lies during his presidency wasn't taken seriously? Why?

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Let's hope so.

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Classic law school:"In the first place, I never borrowed your car. In the second place, I returned it in showroom condition. In the third place, it was already wrecked when I borrowed it."

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“You do what you need to do” is a weird way for the C-I-C take charge of the situation.

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If they're going to insist on living in an entirely different reality than we do, the least they could do is cease to stink up ours.

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He can. But he doesn't really want to. His cult is waiting for orders to start the Civil War. He may tell them to go after a stray Cheney here or McConnell there, but mainly he sees his post-presidency as the greatest grift in history. He wants their money so he can keep his lifelong obsession with being a billionaire. The ones who go to prison can't keep giving him donations.

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They all seem rather gullible. How do we bamboozle them into moving to Somalia, for to start a freedumb paradise?

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At a resort that costs more per night than many of those blue collar workers make in a week.

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