Soon the Stand Your Ground law will be declared unconstitutional by the NRA and the wingnuts will introduce and pass the really, really, really extra constitutional law entitled as the He Looked at Me Funny law.

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Well done Sir. Carry on! (Outta da pahhhk)

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Objects don't occupy Christie's space; they orbit around him.

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In Louisiana a camp is a place where you hang out with your buddies and mistresses/prostitutes and fish, hunt, eat, play poker, and get falling down drunk. In West Virginia this may refer only to a tent or old snow cone truck, however.

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BG, how'd that meetin go w' the brass and the new CO? Shake up, or same-only-different?

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YAY! TeethyKat is back!

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My belief system is this. CASTLE DOCTRINE. I will stand my ground in Monongalia because it is a castle doctrine state. I will stand my ground in your house, I will stand my ground in their house, I will stand my ground in that house over there too. I will stand my ground in your camp, your mothers house, your dogs house or your kids house. When I wave my gun it's time to move, as is my right.

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If someone had to be shot, I'm glad it was Bogart and not Bacall.

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