I went to Texas to re-connect with some relatives last week. Now, as loathe as I am to make sweeping generalizations and as much as I love my cousins, I have to say that they must manufacture Cognitive Disconnect down there.
<i> &ldquo;the Occupy Wall Street crowd represents the same flawed values that got our country into this economic mess.&rdquo; </i>
Hmm. I understood all those words. And, yet, the sequence they were presented in made no sense.
Only 5,000 signatures for an online &quot;petition&quot;? That&#039;s not much of a standard. Your average Paultard could generate that many during the commercial breaks for &quot;Alphas.&quot;
Of course, it&#039;s probably about the same level of rigor he applied when auditing WaMu.
That system certainly worked out well for everyone. What happened to the in-house appraisal reviewers? Particularly in the early days of the new process, when they might have objected to vlaues they didn&#039;t believe.
I went to Texas to re-connect with some relatives last week. Now, as loathe as I am to make sweeping generalizations and as much as I love my cousins, I have to say that they must manufacture Cognitive Disconnect down there.
The Kazakhs do have their standards.
Tone-deaf Leppert. Different outfit.
They were the first ones laid off. (CitiBank did the same thing to any of their risk analysts who had the nerve to pipe up.)
Losing to the New England (lubrul elitist yankee) Patriots ought to have done the trick already.
Cameron Todd Willingham might think differently.
You may be on to something. He refused to attend a gay pride parade in Dallas with the entire city council and the Dallas sheriff. Paging Dr. Bachmann, Dr. Marcus Bachmann. <a href="http://www.wfaa.com/communi..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.wfaa.com/community/Gay-pride-parade--1...">http://www.wfaa.com/communi...
A Leppert cannot change its spots, however.
<i> &ldquo;the Occupy Wall Street crowd represents the same flawed values that got our country into this economic mess.&rdquo; </i>
Hmm. I understood all those words. And, yet, the sequence they were presented in made no sense.
Doesn&#039;t have to be underground - make it coach class only, and the Lepperts of the world would never deign to board it.
Leppert is the new Santorum.
Failed banker/disgraced preacher/adulterous legislator = wisdom on family values/American exceptionalism = Republican votes/lobbyist bucks.
Rinse (in hypocrisy) and repeat.
<i>The Occupy Wall Street crowd represents the same flawed values that got our country into this economic mess.</i>
Endless, unfunded wars and tax cuts for the rich. We just didn&#039;t know how sound those economic policies were, Leppert. Sorry. Our bad.
Only 5,000 signatures for an online &quot;petition&quot;? That&#039;s not much of a standard. Your average Paultard could generate that many during the commercial breaks for &quot;Alphas.&quot;
Of course, it&#039;s probably about the same level of rigor he applied when auditing WaMu.
Ask him about those automated WaMu home appraisals: <a href="http://www.lawyersandsettle..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/features/was...">http://www.lawyersandsettle...
That system certainly worked out well for everyone. What happened to the in-house appraisal reviewers? Particularly in the early days of the new process, when they might have objected to vlaues they didn&#039;t believe.
Supporting Rush Limbaugh quote in 3...2...1...