Because destroying great art and/or selling it to the Koch brothers and the Wallmart family is definitely the best way to solve poverty - as opposed to, say, a progressive taxation system that can fund a social safety net.

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Pope Francis's problem is that he keeps reading the Jesus part of the Bible, not the important part. Jesus keeps yammering about teh Poorz, and doesn't say a damn thing about the really important stuff: faith-versus-works, the uselessness of laws and government, and how wealth is a sign of God's grace.

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Can't wait to see my least favorite Catholic, Bill O', spin this one...

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Hmmm. Judging from that picture, it looks like Benny will be in his bunk for a while.

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Concern for "the least among you." Where'd he get this wacky notion?

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I hear his religion likes opiates during their masses.... or something.

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Anyone remember that movie "The Shoes of the Fisherman"? Where the Pope decided to sell all the Church assets to feed the poor? The rich want to be praised for their riches, not asked to help others. That's just crazy talk.

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