Yeah, I live somewhere that doesn't have easy access to guns - I mean, if you really want one you can get one, it's just not as easy as the US. I've thought about all the times I've been threatened and attacked with a 'weapon' - knives, crowbars, a wrench once... If they'd been guns, I think my chances of surviving would be far less and my injuries are worse than merely a couple of very faint scars...

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Yes, me too, and this is 100% correct. Most celebrities actually just, you know, hop in their cars and drive wherever they want to go. Which can actually lead to cool moments, like me driving down the street I live on (uneventful small street in Hwd Hills), waiting to turn left, someone turns right onto the street, so we come abreast, him and me and it's BRAD PITT, wut??? (he owns a house somewhere in the nabe). Brad is cool in aviator sunglasses, I have a facial expression I can only describe as "bovine."

I've worked in Hwd for 30 years and have worked with or run into everyone and anyone, and yeah, 0.0% "bodyguards." Even the rappers don't drive with bodyguards, you see them cruising in their Bentleys or whatever. Or in Nordstrom. Seriously, sat next to Pharrell in the shoe department. No one says a thing.

Best sighting this week is my husband's, Dupar's in Studio City, there's Kareem at the pie counter. And yeah, no one's bugging him, and zero bodyguards. He's just getting some of that sweet boysenberry goodness, just like you and me. Only a bit taller.

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That part about the "core" of the second amendment seems a bit spurious ... at best. I always thought the core of the second amendment was that the government wanted the poor souls sent off to defend the empire to be able to shoot straight, so they should be able to practice shooting things in the backwoods. My level of cynicism is possibly catastrophic, however.

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With a gravity gun apparently

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That's productive.

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Shypixel, please come banhammer this annoying thing.

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Look, mommy, there was a spammer, but now it's gone!

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*looks at the demon sheep pic*

Prince Asriel Dreemurr, is that you?

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It's not all that short, cupcake. There are two clauses, not just the one you jerk off to.

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As an ammosexual, it's all he's got.

You know... aside from being a dick and worshiping a dick substitute.

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No, sugarcakes, they shoot and terrorize doctors, or blow up Planned Parenthood clinics, or take over perfectly inoffensive wildlife refuges, or run federal agents off of federal lands, or shoot up churches because the worshipers are black, or shoot neighbors because they're Muslim.

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You have here an idiot who left a loose gun in a car. The boyfriend is criminally responsible for the death IMO but I curse the NRA because they are the proximal cause of all of these senseless deaths at the hands of children because they (the NRA) promote gun culture and the idea that the guns themselves are secondary. They are not.

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30,000 people a year die from guns.

Thirty thousand.

That's thirty thousand families who will never see their loved ones again because some fuckwit felt the need to puff himself or herself up bigger to deal with their own fears.

And don't tell me that suicide accounts for a chunk of that number as if that makes it OK. It doesn't.

Suicide is, for most people, an impulse. A gun eliminates the chance of surviving that impulse. People who do NOT have easy access to the means to commit this impulsive act SURVIVE. People who live in homes in which guns exist DO NOT.

For an interesting examination of how making it more difficult to access the means with which to commit suicide WORKS to address it, read up on how changes to the packaging of paracetamol drastically reduced suicide rates in the UK.

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Bigots like you, whose bland acceptance of other people's unnecessary deaths, lickspittle spewing of NRA talking points, and baseless and judgmental comments about "single-mother households who lack values" are actually spewing TRUE obscenities, and you deserve no politeness or courtesy.

So fuck the fuck right off and when you get there, fuck off some more.

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The piece of shit organization to whom you've obviously sacrificed your humanity and common sense is one of the most powerful lobbies in the country.

Silence? If only.

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