BaconzMa remembers a day ((Not TOOOOOO long ago) that the Irish Catholics were treated like a great replacemen, and that was in the 40's)..... Just Sayin....

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Meanwhile NOBODY from the Democratic side bothers to say publicly that what underlies this is the fact that Republican policies are unpopular and that they'll never elect another president unless they make constant adjustments to voting laws. By which I mean restraints. And that's their actual problem with immigration and brown people and city people and just voters in general getting out there and exercising their rights.

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Doesn't Clucker, the GOPers, and Evangelo-fascists realize that by restricting abortion, they are speeding up the 'Great Replacement', because for decades White fertility rates have been lower than Brown/Black fertility rates, and all that eliminating abortion does, is ensure MORE Brown/Black babies are born, leading to Whites being eclipsed sooner, rather than later?,

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I hate pants. The tyranny of clothing.

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Carlson did not directly mention the racist theory during the monologue at the top of his show. The host, who denounced racism and described the alleged document from Gendron, 18, as “a rambling pastiche of slogans and Internet memes, some of which flatly contradict one another,”

Sounds like an hour of FOX News.

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What do we do tho...people will have to come to their own conclusions regarding what this asshole says. People don't want to know better. They are content in their bubbles. Forcing him off the air won't accomplish shit, as the right has learned whenever they try to ban books. The books they ban shoot up in popularity. He'll just start broadcasting under some other rock.

Don't know the right answer, but the left needs to find a way to get more clicks...

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Is "Replacement Theory" the same as "CRT"?

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Preaching to the choir, I have done it.

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The Britannica Dictionary (found by asking the Google, of course) defines "elite" as those who have the most wealth and status in a society. Does Tuckie, or any other Faux News personality, or any raging Regressive, understand that? I think it's a damn safe bet that Tuckie and his pals can, by the above definition, be considered "elite", and it amazes me that the poor shlubs who watch and listen to that garbage can't, more likely won't, figure that out.

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Your last phrase is key. And I have little confidence it will happen.

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Your first sentence it the meat of the matter.

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Don't they realize that abortion or not, White people fertility rate has been lower than non Whites, so limiting abortion will serve to increase the number of non Whites, making replacement of Whites happen that much faster?

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Live free my friend!!

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Immigrants whose experience of governments is that they're crap aren't in a position to judge how far off the GOP conspiracy tripe is. Another thing too disturbing to think about.

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The replacement is taking place naturally. Interracial births keep rising as do the number of incels.

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Tukkker also gets paid an obscene amount of money to express those political views out loud.

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