But the stakes are so high!

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I thought that was the lottery.

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the roumanian stakes, even.

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Keep it up long enough and it turns into a religion.

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Donald Trump would have swindled them out of thousands AND made them fill out an evaluation giving his swindle a positive grade...rank amateur.

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If she's petite, though, she'd be a small medium at large...

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I guess if you believe in this sort of thing sooner or later you're going to get souled out.

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It would have been a neat sleight of hand, that...

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This is slightly OT, but I've been dying to post this since Sunday and this is the most relevant Wonkette post all week so...

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It's as old as, if Anu doesn't get a cut of the harvest, don't expect the rain to fall next year.

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Right, never burned her. They also didn't really think she was a witch, they just used some archaic law that they forgot to scrub.

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One bad apple does not define the entire profession. I have worked many years as a personal exorcist. First off, I make no claims about removing demons. That's just a bunch of hokum.

I work with your demons to improve their core, get them in shape and help them to be the best demon they can be; with a proven formula of diet, exercise and spirituality (or lack thereof). I guarantee that once your demon feels good about itself and builds confidence, you're going to feel a lot better about your possession.

Take Charlie, for example. Charlie was possessed by a fat, slovenly demon that made him gay, atheistic and a Democrat. I worked with his demon to tighten its abs, strengthen its core and improve its outlook on eternal damnation. Today Charlie is a registered Independent! He's still a gay atheist, but he's okay with that and so is his demon.

They're very happy together. So I'd call that a small miracle.

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Now now Corey, he could have also been talking about River Phoenix

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These people are monsters. They should be treated as such.

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