I know several people who refuse to buy cars made by 'the Japs or the Nazis' but every so-called American car has parts from all over the world doubtless made under much the conditions of our imported clothing, electronics, and other consumer dross.

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Totally OT, but have you read the Haribo sugarless gummy bear reviews on Amazon?

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My first car was a 67 Plymouth Belvedere. Push-button transmission and all.

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Sadness and misery.

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Ahh...the Cordoba...the car that rusted as you were driving it off the lot.

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I wish we could downshift their rhetoric.

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I'll take Fix it again, Tony over Finance it Again, Tom.

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You know, I'd never thought of that use of "aspire".

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I love my new red Fiat.That is all.

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Hey Lady, I'll put a tiger in your tank!

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Right wing whining will be automatic.

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It's my il duce coupe You don't know what I got.

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Merry Chrysler everyone.

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the hybrids will run on time until you switch them over to gasoline if you run out of time. Or you can keep some time in a bottle in the trunk and make up for lost time by topping off the tank with it.

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a recession?

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