Ezra Klein is an awesome writer who always shows a vast understanding of political realities.

I'm not speaking about his hiring decisions, it's just that too many people on here are ready to trash his considerable journalistic skills because he made a bad decision.

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Why does this not have ALL the upfists???

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Don't let the issue at hand mislead you. He's a great political writer and researcher (just not in this case).

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I'd be inclined (swidt?) to say he WAS a great political / economics writer. Success seems to have blunted his edge.

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I'm having a little trouble detecting the underlying theme (except for women's underwear).

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Well, the fucker can hardly be expected to stand up straight, can he?

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Four or five years ago, Ezra was pretty sharp. Somewhere in there, he started to take himself seriously, so I guess I have to join you in picking (Maj)^4.

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I'm confused. Does this bipolar VOrteX suck or blow?

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Andrew Sullivan Sticks Up For Ezra Klein's Embattled New Hire. <a href="http://talkingpointsmemo.co..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/andrew-sull...">http://talkingpointsmemo.co...

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I think perhaps you missed my words in parentheses.

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Going fishing or going fisting?

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Did you get a load of his puss? The main reason he's antigay is because he couldn't get laid in a prison full of horny lifers.

I'm not even convinced the dude's really gay. He probably just thinks screwing himself is a homosexual act.

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So he's good with vegetables but opposes fruits?

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I would not take Ambrosino (seriously? that's his name?) home to meet my parents.

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"[S]ome delusional shitwit has given him money to make a website and Mr. Klein is showing his superior smarting skills by making decisions which on the surface seem utterly boneheaded but are probably the smrtest if you ask Mr. Klein."

From this, I can confidently infer that it's a right-wing teabagger web site.

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Saves a bundle on payroll. Klein's not much of a jerb creator.

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