They remove my comment and now you look like an idiot. :-)

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Yeah, a clean usable interface in which the results are ranked by how much money the sites pay to Google. I prefer Duckduckgo for my searches. At least they don't log the results.

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You couldn't pay me enough to get on that hellhole site. Yeah, I'm going to open up my whole life to any asshole who comes along. Yeah, no.

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Exactly. Then there are the studies that show that people with lots of (too much) money have a tendency to act like assholes.

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Thank you. I'm doing good...it's a process...

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O hai!Pretty! But that blue eyeshadow is so 70s. Pink's his color, can we get him into a nice dusty rose, and a little mascara upstairs without making him look like a raccoon?


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This is a Thing. Back in the dawn of time, I was in a group that sponsored academic research. We had a guy from UMich come and explain that above a certain income level, people identify more with people in other cultures with that money than with any one in their own.

Citizens of Moneyland are men and women with no country.

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Hi, Nigel. Peace be with you. Wishing you time and whatever else you need to adjust.

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Not bleached, good old wood pulp is kinda brownish, maybe an MS-13 towel?

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But it's brown........oh, I see.......

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Hear, hear. I have to visit most of my friends' profiles to see their posts.

And when someone does have a complaint, just let them tell ya what it is. Deep-six that stupid multiple-choice gimmick including the 'I don't like this' option.

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Don't be too upset. This is like when something embarrassing surfaces about a fast food chain and people are commenting -- you can figure that maybe half of the people who proclaim that "I've never eaten at Wendy McKing's and never will" are telling the truth. Especially if they go on to describe the mango-onion-broccoli smoothie they have for breakfast every day.

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You've gotta sympathize with whoever manufactures tiki torches.

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I live in Cali, and I would rather hang out with the homeless along the Santa Ana River (they've been shuffled off), then the Libertarian Tech-Bros. I had to suffer through a dinner with them in SF recently, and I was amusing myself by guessing what kind of scream-gurgle sound each would make it I "voted" them into a restroom stall

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wet recycled paper towel

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They're hiding in the corner with the Bernie-Bros after the Manafort emails came out

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