I only use FB to see pics from friends and family. I do not respond to ANY "sponsored" or posts from ppl I don't personally know. I realized that any comment or "like" on Food Network posts resulted in a sudden rush of fake profile friend requests, too.

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Well, maybe temporarily, but they gotta stop playing innocent victim here and stop being vehicles for Kremlin propaganda.

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The "I saw it on the Internet" crowd...

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i'd like to hear more about your family if the national enquirer is one place you go for family pics.

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Speaking of Russian election-fuckery, did anyone else watch Putin's Revenge on Frontline? It was a two-parter that concluded last night. Here's the link: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/fro...

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I, too, have used Facebook, Twitter, and especially Google to influence an erection. Sometimes twice a day. But only after I rest awhile in between. And maybe have a sammich.

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I have an FB page that I look at maybe once every six months. I honestly don't understand why people like it so much. To me it's an ugly, poorly designed and hard to use interface.

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This is why I prefer to get my news by reading subway graffiti.

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Ok, and is the US going to stop trying to subvert elections here in Latin America? Thought not.

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The internet is good for porn. Just make sure you don't pay for it.

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I was listening to a podcast on computer security. Their guest talked about how we may think Fox and Breitbart are on the same side as they parrot the same messages, but in reality they compete by trying to out-bullshit each other to draw the same eyeballs.


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Aaron Sorkin for President!

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I want to blow the LID off Facebook. I have reported over 150 FAKE American profiles to them. They are either Macedonian, Pakistani or Russian. Facebook keeps telling me they are REAL - because their ALGORITHM tells them they are.. I can TELL they aren't looking at them. THEY ARE NOT REAL! And I can recognize the patterns the bots are using. I have a 60,000+ member anti-trump group - and they try to infiltrate every day. The Indians & Africans have stopped, weirdly.

I have kept a LIST of all the fakes.

SOMEONE CONTACT ME! I want to expose them all. Celiene O'Hara on FB.

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