Nope. Sorry. There doesn't need to be a priest in the delivery room for Catholic hospitals to interfere with treatment. Hospital policies at Catholic hospitals do NOT put the woman's life first... the fact that, even if subsequent pregnancies will endanger your life, you can't get your tubes tied during a C-section at a Catholic hospital - they make you go elsewhere for the ligation AFTER you heal, which is far more stressful and damaging to the body - is proof enough of that.

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Abortion is a constitutional right. Keeping women pregnant is slavery. I have been banned from Twitter and FB for saying that.

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Repiglikkkans claim there is no right to privacy.

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Pro life? No. Pro forced gestation is more accurate.

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As a matter of fact, at our Catholic hospital we do tubal ligations during c-section pretty often. We just don't perform them as a stand-alone procedure. Sorry, but I have 20+ years of actual experience doing tubal ligations in a Catholic hospital. I will admit that not every Catholic hospital is as progressive as we are. Most physicians and other health care providers at Catholic hospitals are, in fact, not Catholics. And we WILL protect life of the mother based on sound medical judgement, NOT religious dogma. I work for my patients, not the Pope.

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Pro Misery. What else is it? They have no role at all in the lives of women who are happy in their pregnancies.

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Robert Bork, the big tub. What did he think that Search and Seizure amendment was about?

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That's excellent news. Really.

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Every pregnancy has the non-zero probability of causing the pregnant woman's death. If and only if (A) the survival of the fetus is more important than the woman's right whether or not to accept the risk of death, then (B) the choice of abortion is not morally just. Antiabortion zealots accept that (A) is true is some or all cases. But if (A) is not true, then not-(B) and the choice of abortion is morally just.

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Franciscan in Indiana being a good example.

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Explains why Lila Rose and her ilk are anti-contraception.

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It's called "palliative care," in every instance not involving a neonate.

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Owl puke, not owl shit

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Especially as there’s a movement afoot to try and convince women and doctors that an immediate termination isn’t necessary for an ectopic pregnancy, that a woman can just wait to miscarry (or for her Fallopian tube to rupture and cause a hemorrhage, but whatevs, right?). Or worse, they’ve got legislators putting a NONEXISTENT medical procedure (re-implantation of an ectopic pregnancy) into abortion regulations. They’re preying on the fact that ectopic pregnancies are often wanted pregnancies to manipulate people into delaying treatment. I shudder to think how many people are going to die because of this bullshit.

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I believe her exact quote was, “If you’ve never treated a woman with a belly full of blood from an ectopic you should shut the fuck up and sit down and learn before you get someone killed.”

I fucking love her.

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Well I happen to know a woman who told me Mary is the Anti-Christ. A little gray-haired lady. She's a boiling cauldron of rage too. She told me she'd had a pain the night before and she'd made it go away by praying to Jesus. I realized she must believe that people who die of diseases are less excellent than she is because their praying to Jesus doesn't work like hers does. A feeling rose up in me. I'd been nodding in a passive way-- why not?-- but then I jumped up and said I had to go and I ran home because I hated her from then on. How can a person picture the world that way? She thought of Jesus as her boyfriend, I'm quite sure.

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