Lighten up, sunshine. Some men are trash, some women are trash and some trash is trashier than other trash. Sometimes calling things trash is just a way to get trash out of your system.

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The mommy blog thing is a historical label given Wonkette by someone in a Dear Shit For Brains post a long time ago. Something about a mommy blog, recipe hub , something else. It’s a self referential joke thing.

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The word “some” was nowhere to be found. Last four words don’t make the “some” distinction either. They seem to reinforce the opposite. Guess I’m light trash.

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Yep, I don't know you, don't know your history, didn't know anything about you prior to responding other than this one post. Your response here doesn't change my opinion - you're making this all about you. You could have said "Yep, I know what you're going through, I've been there" but instead you said "You're making me feel bad."

I appreciate that you're trying to differentiate yourself from the jerks who do this stuff, but you did this by basically asking women who've been subjected to this to feel sorry for you - not because you've also been subjected to this, but for being lumped in with men who do this stuff.

As for the "and you're new" shit, get over your bad self. That you're more active here than I am doesn't mean you're beyond criticism.

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Or "experienced"

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Too late...

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Why, whatever happened to the conservatives' concern about Freeze Peach?!?

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¡Soy boy también! Pero técnicamente más como "osito".

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You know this already, probably, but The Uses of History for Decision Makers is an Actual Thing, and not just a book. Excellent choice of major doesn't preclude picking up a vo tech skill to pay the early bills, until they're looking for management material that can actually think! Cheers and regards.

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She won't like the word she gets.

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Omg. YOU'RE one of the voices in MY head. And one of the more rational ones at that!

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Maybe it's because the person in charge is a man and he is trash.

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Perhaps the rest of us can boycott the stupid site and just let the protected groups have at it for a while. the site is nothing but a site to make Zukerberg money from ads anyway and it is the most primitive looking site I've ever seen. I'm still trying to get it out of my life anyway.

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Facebook will however allow you to call women cunts, bitches, etc.

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