*Heads over to fb to share any and every wonkette post with fb chums.

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I have seen a couple of ads for Epoch Times on YouTube. They feature a charismatic, engaging, reasonable-sounding young man saying some batshit crazy things, but if you never pay attention to anything, they might not sound so crazy, I guess, on account of the guy’s charm. Anyway, I skipped them so I could watch my woodworking tutorials and SNL sketches, but your nana or your casual racist uncle Greg might not. This shit is dangerous.

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<channelling troi=""> "I'm sensing some Wonkette annoyance" </troi>

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"New Tang Dynasty" is the worst Wu Tang Clan cover band I have ever seen, and I saw them in Portland in the early 90s, before they sold out.

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This is for Wanderer:


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“We apologize to any Facebook readers who saw that post and fell under the delusion that they were literally Beto O'Rourke.”

To be fair to Facebook, I’m certain that it happened to a few of them.

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You'll NEVER believe what Wonkette did next

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