Just another example of single-issue obsessed dipshits forcing every noteworthy event into their dim witted worldview. I was at the grocery store yesterday and saw a bunch of People magazines with Betty White on the cover celebrating her 100th birthday. Thought about picking up a copy, then decided I didn’t need any morbidabilia lying about.

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If Wonkette allowed comments, I'm pretty sure they'd be filled with old, overdone, basic, unfunny jokes.

Luckily Wonkette doesn't allow comments

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Personally I loved Betty. Saw that documentary about her regarding her career last October.

Privately .... she did a radio promo at a college radio station here in Pittsburgh. I didn't have a chance to meet her. But I donated money because of her. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

THE NEXT WEEK THEY CANCLED "Word Jazz" and replaced it with "sounds of india"

I'm sure its not related.....but I'm suspect 🤔....I cant express how much I hate Indian and country music!

Both genres of music drive me to anger.

But everyone has their own taste. I do like cricket. But not Mississippi football m.

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...i dont get it.

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Grow a vagina doesn't even track to grow some balls, the better joke would be grow some ovaries, but that's still hack

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I'm dumb enough to have believed the "grow some balls" fake quote, I really need to be more careful.

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Another reason to love the woman.

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what happens when human are quarantined for too long and nothing more productive in their lives. They commit to the delirium mentality of Cabin Fever.

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Another troll! Got to love you guys; too scared to have their comments scrutinized with closed profiles.

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