I suggest a volunteer sub group called "Whackers form Wonkette. black spandex leotards and masks, would go around hitting damn fools with sticks until they stopped being damned fools.

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"Your honor, I feel that introducing evidence that my clients are clearly incapable of crossing the street safely, much less successfully raising a child, may unfairly bias the jury against their dumb fucking asses."

"So ordered."

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Here I go. This is the sort of ignorant and dangerous behavior that totally turned me off of religion. Dumbfucks. They need to stop reading the bits of the bible their church underlined for them and read the whole thing. FFS the Apostle Luke was a doctor. The bible never states he wasn't a doctor after his conversion. There are plenty of verses regarding medicines as that which god *wanted* people to use - Balm of Gilead anyone? These assholes picked out the 7 that say the opposite.

"Their pastor, Nelson Clark, has said the Schaibles lost their sons because of a "spiritual lack" in their lives and insisted they would not seek medical care even if another child appeared near death."

Their evil "Pastor" need to be locked up as an accessory to murder and these people need to be prevented from ever breeding again.


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So say they did it for the LULZ. That'll get 'em off for sure!

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So if kids in this family keep dying, you would think that either they can now safely assume their Guy in the Sky really isn't there, or if he is he must really hate them. Either way, be gone off to some kind of HELL for them.

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Pretty sure the fact that the entire case rests on whether their beliefs controlled their actions makes it difficult to argue the prejudicial effect outweighs the probative value.

So unless they have a senile judge, the defense is just trying to lay groundwork for an appeal.

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Their beliefs are very sincerely held, but it wouldn't be fair for their motivations to be stated or examined. That would be nothing more than scandalous persecution of devoted Christians...

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Faith. No more kid.

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Nice to know there are people who practice pre-leech medicine in America.

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So basically, then, God is just a really mean girl. Sounds about right to me with all that demanding of adulation, throwing hissy fits if not the one & only and punishing the nonworshippers. I went to Jr. High with those kids.

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I take it they voted for Michele Bachmann.

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