What really bothers me about this is ISIL/Daesh is clearly the kind of organization that would engage in genocide/ethnic cleansing without even thinking twice about it and 21 years now after the Rwandan genocides a significant portion of America is assholish now as back then....they make me sick.

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And 5,000 sexual partners a year.

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That's how you'll recognize my shout-out to you.

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Ditto. Maybe someone here can help you with that stuff.

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I've been to Greece. Prove to me that's Greece. I call bullshit.

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Because the NYPD can smell their own?

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Michael Jackson Libelz!

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What is so depressing is that they're playing right into Daesh's hands. They don't even seem to have the slightest clue that they're doing so, even when they're told this. They're so lost in their xenophobia that if they ever could think straight once, there's so little chance they ever will again.

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It helps when you have a family that is loaded. White moneyed privilege rules, you know.

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Print journalism?

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More power to you, my friend! Back in my single days one misstep with two women on the same night could get me castrated.

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They should all go home, shut off the lights and power, lock the doors and stay there....safe.....

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Our vetters are not all that dumb. Reports are that they ask a few questions that only real Syrians are likely to know, like the name of the weathercaster with the plaid sportscoat on Channel 5, Damascus, and other fine trivia. Guess they could use an Alex Trabeke-bekistan for this.

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Ok, James O'Keefe says the Syrians have fake passports. O'Keefe makes fake videos.Ding, ding, ding, ladies and gentlemen, we have a match!

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Haha, and these are the assholes that call us libtards "sheeple".

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