“Oh. It’s THIS asshole again.”


I know that Trumpistas DGAF, but he's a felon, right?

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No scenery was harmed in the making of this documentary.

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Except by chewing.

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Which will be dissolved anyway, because they study... the EARTH! From SPACE!

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Say that whilst twirling your mustache, or GTFO.

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It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

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Just 'cuz he's Filipino, doesn't mean he's a pool boy. Throwing dudes from helicopters, on the other hand...

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That O'Keefe's about as sharp as a bowling ball, son.

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There's not enough time in a day to read a billion posts - they can only read what gets flagged. Dumbfuck right-wing assholes will try to spam the process, by flagging every NYT and WaPo they see, so success will depend on the number of reality-based users who contribute to the effort.

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Keefer better keep away from that reefer...

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He's lucky some trigger-happy vigilante didn't see that border stunt.

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I know it's already been said, but it is worth mentioning, again:


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Why should he? With a legit journamalism gig, he'd have to actually do some work.

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Are OKeefe and Newsmax still infesting Huffington Post?

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Re the title of SuckWeasel's organization, I think we may have been putting the accent in the word "project" on the wrong syllable. It makes more sense as a verb than a noun.

Either way, the title of his organization accurately describes the thing he sucks the worst at. If he was really concerned about truth, he would change it to something like "ProJECT Varitassiness". He would still fail though, because there is nothing even remotely veritassy about that guy.

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