"More often than not, this “research” involves watching YouTube videos of people like Cernovich coming up with absurd theories that make no sense. But being “in the know” — especially when you are someone that people have never thought of as an intellectual powerhouse — is a powerful, powerful drug." - Pretty much sums up why I dropped off of Facebook after the election. The smugness of family and friends, who had never been the least bit intellectually curious during my entire lifetime, being so very proud of being so very wrong about every-single-thing.

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Projects this "alpha male" persona, yet is dependent on his first wife's fabulous income to give him a comfortable life, thanks to alimony payments. There's a lot to unpack based just on that reality alone.

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Aw mom, c'mon, five more minutes...

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And now pizza is a vegetable! PROGRESS!! ;P

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The internet just provided the playground for the pre-existing stupidity and allowed like "minds" to more easily find and "validate" each other. You don't blame car designers for bad driving do you?

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Damn, that would be cruel but so effective! Send one to Alex Jones also too!

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I did he same thing. I just can't deal with the idiocy of them. And I have a friend I have been avoiding since September because of their tendency to act as if this shitshow is all okay. IT'S NOT OKAY

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That's a poor analogy. I'll try to think of a better one later. Probably smoking.

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I watched with friends, and one who is in recovery from meth said, "That dude is HIGH'. Sure enough, Cernovich looked like he was cranked out.

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and maybe do some crack. That asshole was high.

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He is bum, who has found away to make money without working by peddling his lying crap.

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This triggered a fond memory of Will Ferrell turning up at the high school reunion as the Unabomber "HI GUYS! It's me, TED!"

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Here's his state bar information. I don't understand why he's allowed to retain his license or why he hasn't been sued for libel. http://members.calbar.ca.go...

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Whether you want to acknowledge this or not when the wikileaks dumped the emails CCP was talked about in the podesta emails. People started digging and looking at CPP and Podesta. There is one creepy theme that set this in motion, Podesta's creepy emaciated kids with black eyes art all over his house, the statue hanging from the ceiling that is a reproduction one of Jeffery Dahmer's victims. Before CPP's instagram went private there was massive amount of pedo jokes, strange pics of kids and there use to be very graphic art in CPP. It has pretty much been established that there are not kids in the basement even in the quack groups. However, there is a huge trail of convicted pedophiles surrounding these two men. This is what is keeping the story alive to this day. Many cannot fathom how there are so many open jokes and symbols of pedophilia, CIA verified, around them.

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If my son had been killed in such a gruesome way by Jeffery Dammer, which is a factual happening. I would never be able to understand why someone would turn that into art and hang it front and center in their home. Call me crazy, but I think this is very sick, not art and while not a crime, it is a symbol of character and it is not the type of character I feel comfortable with in such a prominent place in the US government.

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That's his claim to fame? Complete asshole.

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