I think she experimented with it, but he was never officially in.

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There is no such thing as a Scientology school.

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Also Uncle Buck and the coach of the Jamaican bobsled team.

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I watched a millisecond of this and couldn't stand it.

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Thanks for the parody and lack-of-damages reality checks.

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Yes, they were escaped slaves.

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30 years in IT, I've got quite a few of those suckers (in the hundreds), and I'm not Covid-positive... might have something there... *LOL*

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Of course I'm not the designated shopper in my house, and I wear a mask whenever I leave the house, but it's gotta be the disks.... LOL

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May the guy rest in peace... may his memory be forever blessed, not at the least that he provided so many deep laughs...

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You and me both. I think I got about three or four words and then I had to turn it off. Yecccccchhhhh.

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And don't forget to enlarge his gigantic (gut, butt, vagina neck; just not hands or mushroom, those need to be MUCH smaller!)

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I think trump et al in Mars Attacks would be more appropriate.....

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This is just a video clip of what Trump supporters have to do in their heads every day: stick Trump's face onto a better character and pretend it's real because otherwise they're stuck with the real guy and the words that actually come out of his mouth.

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Single or double-density? Really, I think I can make a phone call and score a few 8" ones, with the Unisys/Burroughs B2900 OS ready to install... LOL

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Seriously, in 1991, in Alabama, I was the night-operator and COBOL coder for the last B2900 still in operation and doing business (the local med clinics and Cook's Pest Control's postings and processing.... med clinics were sent electronically, and Cook's data still on punch cards that had to be transferred to 6250 tape)... stood about 7' tall, about 6' long, had its own A/C on the roof, and ran at a screaming 7Mhz.... The owner of the company used to drawl, "Way'ul... jest cuz yer cawr gits a few mile onnit, y'don't go out and get a new 'un."

Of course, my answer was "Hey, Herb... y'do if it's a Model A up on blocks..."


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