Yes, Orange Man bad.

Your statistic stinks because of where you drew it from.

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Okay, so OT, the Fort Worth Texas PD have done it again. This time, a woman was shot in her own home by a cop who was called to do a well check on the non-emergency number. The neighbor was concerned because the door to the house was open in the middle of the night. Cop shows up, does not identify himself, then shoots a woman whom he sees through the window.

A woman who was playing video games with her eight year old nephew. Who saw his aunt get shot.

Cop is now former cop, he resigned.


Makes me furious.

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Well, the movie was made when Obama was president, y'know, the before times... It's not specifically about him being killed, he's more killed as a part of the "powerful world leaders are corrupted and killed as a consequence of their corruption" narrative.

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Oh give it a rest, troll.

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No, you just thought you'd comment out of your ass. Duly noted.

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As repulsive as it is, legally, it could be defended as a fantasy, and not a direct incitement.

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Wow, check out the equivocations in this one. Well done, little baby troll, the troll-farm will give you a gold star!

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And Hitler was a great painter! He could do a whole apartment in one afternoon! Two coats!

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Scenario 1: So, a 15 year old child creates a video of the same type and takes his classmates pictures and superimposes them on the faces of the originals with himself as the attacker. Posts it on FB. Mom finds weapons under his bed. No problem right? All in fun. Kid gets arrested and goes to psychiatric evaluation.

Scenario 2: Some person takes same movie clip and superimposes Donald Trump, his kids, the faces of all the cabinet members plus Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Dinesh D'Souza, Charlie Kirk, and Dana Loesch, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as being slaughtered just like this POS film.

Tell me truly that this person would not get an immediate visit from the FBI and be arrested for threatening to kill these people despite his claim "it was all in fun." If this was all in fun why hasn't the name of the creator been released? Simple - it was wrong and he knew it when he made it up.

The people in this video -all of them - need to sue the organization that sponsored this for making threats on their lives.

Hate speech in any form is not free speech and there should be consequences for it.

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"TDS" AKA the justified reaction of principled citizens to a corrupt and criminal administration. And Trump does his own job of reinforcing TDS just fine on his own, by doing awful things.

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Yeah, that was atrocious. The cop did not even finish his "let me see your hands" before he fired his gun. Poor girl never got a chance.

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Or the soundtrack owners.

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Sure, and what if it turns out that he could prove it was someone ELSE superimposing HIS face in the video, like a deep fake, who then is responsible? We know the hostility Trump has for the press, but is it an incitement any more than if they took the same video and put in Obama's face, or the Pope's? I'll stand by my statement that it's repulsive, but 'should', 'abhorrent', and 'repulsive' are not legal terms.

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And jokes about kicking widows and orphans out of their homes are just no longer funny......

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And who wouldn't vet anything to be shown at a fuckfest like this? "Oh, nobody saw it" is NOT a valid excuse.

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