Oh no! Look, yet another victim of the Gay Message!

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"As caring adults, we wouldn’t wish these offenses on anyone, though oddly there may be some developmental benefits"

May Rebecca have a developmentally beneficial beating!

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"Moderation in all things! If you're going to be uncivil, cruel, and dehumanizing to people, just do it to the homos (who aren't really people, just ambulatory sins), and perhaps they'll learn a useful life lesson!"

I am thinking that way back when, all the good Christians must have been fed to the lions, and all we're left with are these fucked up mutated ones, anymore.

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You should just let Burgoynes be Burgoynes.

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What, exactly, is the "homosexual message?" Is it a thing, like the Zapruder film or a manifesto, like the Communist Manifesto or an event, like the Dreyfus Affair?

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These turdblossoms obviously used Fred Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church as their theological consultants.

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when i was growing up in a good white people mostly christian suburb, i remember a lot of random instruction from various centers of authority (church, parents, schools, social orgs) about how making fun of people - even for wearing a really ugly sweater - was totally unacceptable.

why can't we have these nice things?

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Note that there several glowing Biblical accounts of genocide.

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The Texas curriculum says:<blockquote>“Nobody wants a child to be bullied, so don't leave any witnesses. Most people say ‘Oh, great! We’re teaching our children not to bully each other’ — so students may be absent without consequence those days". "It’s being used instead to push the Democrat Party message".</blockquote>

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They say "pigs is pigs". And the wingnuts never pass up on a chance to prove it's true.

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this is gay.

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I'm confused. If I want to punch Thune in the face because he says he hates gays even though he probably is gay himself does that make me gay, a closeted Christian or just an asshole with violent tendencies? Because I could live with the gay thing.

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Homosexual message = "Stop bullying us." Duh.

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