Religious liberty means that every American has the right to worship and obey Jesus's Daddy the way Tony Perkins says.

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Here's my prayer:

Lord, please tell these folks to SHADDUP THEIR MOUTHS!

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Obviously written by a crack team of Sunday schoolers

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Jesus would come back sooner except he doesn't want to deal with assholes like Tony Perkins.

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If only they could find a way to abort just the ghey kids, wouldnt that be cool for these cats

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<b>Natasha Fatale</b>: Tony, you are so hateful, intolerant and narrow-minded. If detesting your fellow citizens was an Olympic event, you would win the gold. Years from now people will look at your life the way we now see segregationists like Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and David Duke.

<b>Tony Perkins (in Boris Badenov voice)</b>: Stop. Stop. You make me blush

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<i>...the consensus about religious liberty that we have long enjoyed is being chipped away....</i>

Wah wah wah. I thought the whining would stop for a little while after the War on Christmas was over. Clearly I am a idiot

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"The freedom of every American, that they have been endowed with this liberty by their creator, to acknowledge the divine author of our liberties, and to live in accordance to his precepts <b>as we understand them</b>."

His major problem is that he's boneheaded enough to think that his understanding of Bibble is the only one that matters, and that he knows <i>exactly</i> what some magical bearded sky guy meant when he originally inspired Bibble fourteen (mis)translations ago.

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