Hm, maybe that wasn't clear. I mean the richest 1%, the ones whose immigration status is never in doubt.

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Yes, the 1% are gang members, and probably at least half rapists.

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Easy. Are they brown and not from here? Totally unfit.

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99%? Yeah, but that 1% are totally the rapist gang members of which we all are afreed! How can we exist with such a big numba of crimnals runnning around?

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You could use 'abducted' too.

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You have to understand, Donald Trump corrupts everything he touches. Everything.

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These children were STOLEN. Reminds me too much of los desaparecidos.

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Don't act like this is Sophies Choice.

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When he opens his mouth, I press the mute button.

If he wanted to plug his ears back when Garland was nominated and screaming "lalalala", I have no reason to listen to anything else that comes out his pie hole on a any similar issue.

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Can we wait a bit on trying Sessions? Remember, he's recused himself from involvement in the Mueller Investigation. If he's kicked out before that's done, El Presidente gets to name someone to the AG post who will be "more amenable" to shutting it down than Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.....

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For sure, nod, because his mouth will be full.

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Those seasonal worker visas have a quota/cap, and the cap was reached earlier this year. Trump wanted 61 more H-2B workers for Mar-a-Lago, so a special allotment of new numbers was (like magic!) made available. As part of the process, the H-2B petitioner must place ads and try to recruit U.S. workers before the petition may be approved. To cut down on (discourage) U.S. workers responding, Mar-a-Lago insisted they would only consider U.S. worker applicants if they responded by FAX. There is just nothing legit about this guy, absolutely NOTHING.

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UPS and Amazon track packages with a great deal more accuracy and competency than DHS tracks in-custody kids and their parents. Republicans say government is the problem and is dysfunctional, and they're gravely mistaken. Only government run by Republicans is dysfunctional, incompetent and operated as a high stakes grift.

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Yes, but can you imagine what it would cost to get THAT engraved on a stone tablet?

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Oops, down to 38. https://www.msn.com/en-us/n... Also, too, they have already made determinations that some can't be returned. "The Justice Department also said that only 75 of the 102 children aged four and younger who were supposed to be returned to their parents by Tuesday are eligible for reunification. Some parents are not eligible, the government said, because they have criminal records, were deemed to be unfit or, in one case, have a communicable disease." I am especially interested how they deemed anyone "unfit," as it takes quite a while to do that with regular people who live here.

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