Sitting Bull is an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.

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That whole thing is ridiculous, of course, and most of all his promise to pay a million dollars if her DNA reveals Native American ancestry. It could show unequivocally that Warren is one-eighth Cherokee and he wouldn't pay. He'd bray, "Deep State doctored the results! The sample was contaminated by Sitting Bull! What do you mean, he's long dead?"I mean, Donald Trump paying up? Come onnnnn ...

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He's not a brown-hued Latino. That's the difference in Trump Land.

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Plus more physically attractive and way more intelligent. Were I an American citizen and Luthor a real person, and it was a choice between Trump or Luthor, I'd vote for Lex.

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Pretty much. Like the Vietnam War body counts. Twenty thousand Vietcong were killed today and one G.I. stubbed his toe. We're winning!

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Yes! My blood oath, yes! Upfist!

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A very big jackass. But as far as I'm concerned, an ever bigger son-of-a-bitch.

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The Israelites fleeing Egypt into the Sinai? Moses receiving the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai? Never happened, G*d had nothin' to do with it.

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Even if word gets back to their emigre countries, as per Sessions, Trump, et al that kids are getting detained, it's still not a very good deterrent - what's going on in their home countries is still worse!

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Just call them Nazi fascists. They're there already.

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Fuck you Alex Azar. Burn in hell. Screw your 1984 thought-policed doublethink.

(If I break the non-commenting rules, good!)

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If we weren’t so full of “American generosity and charity,” I wonder what Azar thinks we would have done. What is the next marginally worse treatment they might have received from some slightly less wonderful country?

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He is a jackass.

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I'm gonna have to file that Trump quote about the consequences of not following the law away for when Mueller comes after him.

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Nah. It is lower this morning than yesterday afternoon.

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I eagerly await the War Crimes trials.

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