Lagomorph-American libel!

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Boy, wait 'till you get to buy "pull-ups" for you mom.

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Do we know the girl was actually his?

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David Fowler's story just left me wondering if the man has ever, even once, changed a diaper.

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Hey, he's in Iowa; shouldn't they all be speaking Lakota? I mean, this is America, after all...

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Lol. He'd probably think it was a Christian training video.

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I've heard that the key to explaining all that icky stuff to kids is to just answer the question and the question alone; launching into the whole Birds-'n'-Bees thing might not be productive when they're three years old.

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Word. Awkward, sure. Rocket science... nnnnnot really?

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I'm as awkward as they come, but I'm also resourceful. It may take charts and graphs, Google, hand puppets, or help from Uncle Roman, but mark my words: Lil' Nova's learning how the Gays made her bleed spontaneously.

Wait, what?

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I'm surprised none of these Speak American Firsters are up in arms over all this fancy translating to sign language going on. I mean, Uncle Sam wants you to "speak" English, not interpretive dance it. Also, something clever about up in arms.

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I thought the whole argument against ghey marriage was that they can't have kids...

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My sons have known about the whole unnatural bleeding for days on end with out dying since they were small, and my wife explained about 'mummy's bleeds'. As teens they are obviously grossed about it, but they have known and accepted it since about 6 years old.

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Oh fuuu you dad for being such an ignorant little pussy. In your house mom is probably the one that has to explain nocturnal emmisions too, since she does the laundry type lady work. Hope your daughter kicks your ass in sports.

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If we had good, biology based sex education classes in school, this would not be such a problem. I think every man and women should have some understanding of both male and female anatomy and reproductive physiology. A little less mystery might go a long way towards making each gender more accepting of the other and push us toward equality.

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It makes me wonder if he is still wearing diapers, at least psychologically.

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