It's easy to find. Head for Beizhangzhuangcun and hang a left at the exit, then look for the smokestacks.

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Isn't it nice that they have a place they can get together and try to take over the world?

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Kincannon was just mad that someone deleted his penis.http://d3r6mkfikjk4tr.cloud...

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Pro tip: DON'T ASK.

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It's a perfectly valid literary form. Adams was just the greatest master of it. Ever.

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No snark. Reading the story, this young woman seems not to have a clue about how dangerous her situation is. Sad really.

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Yeah... I KNEW this guy was not right in the head... https://twitter.com/PineCur...

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Clarence Darrow libel!

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"what are we going to do tonight, Brain?"

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thanks a lot! . . . read that just after putting a handful of raisins in my mouth . . . *grumble* *grumble* . . . gonna take forever to get those sticky little bastards out of the keyboard!

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hope you like jerking off into a turkey baster.

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Snark off: Once the death threats start, that is kind of a deal breaker. Even if she is kind of freaky for Jeebus, she doesn't deserve what it sounds like she already suffered at such a young age. Somebody down in SC, please talk some sense into this young woman, it might save her life!

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Same source notes they've been married almost exactly two years! Happy Anniversary!

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Ima gurl, therefore I don't think that method would yield much genetic info (maybe blood type); however I never thought of using a turkey baster as a dildo but come to think of it, (hee hee, I said "come") I haven't been using the baster for anything lately...

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He'll turn his life over to Jebus and start a whole new scam.

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"The Burning Bed", also, too

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