Famous Creationist Decries Kentucky Governor's 'Disregard' Of 'Science'
Andy Beshear was following the science when he vetoed an anti-trans bill.
Friday, Democratic Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear vetoed a vicious Republican bill that would have barred transgender youth from receiving gender-affirming care and allowed teachers to humiliate students by refusing to refer to them by their preferred pronouns. Upon killing the bill, Beshear explained that he didn't want kids killing themselves and did not want the state meddling in people's personal medical choices.
Naturally, there are a lot of bigots who are especially upset about this development, and one of those bigots is someone we haven't really heard too much about in a while — Ken Ham, the creationist who created the Creation Museum. You know, the museum in Kentucky where you can go and see very historically accurate depictions of early humans palling around with dinosaurs — like in the documentary series "The Flintstones."
Ham, who believes the universe is only about 6,000 years old, issued a tweet blasting Beshear for disregarding science by listening to doctors, biologists, and psychologists rather than people whose entire understanding of sex and gender can be summed up in a quote from Kindergarten Cop .
PREVIOUSLY: Idiot Homeschool Mom Reviews Creation Museum, Likes How It Bibles Up Science
It is a very long tweet because Ken Ham is the kind of sucker who pays to use Twitter. He writes:
Another politician showing blatant disregard for young people, for science, for parents and for God’s Word by Vetoing legislation he claims would harm children, but the opposite is true.
Well, sure, except for how young people are the ones telling you who they are, doctors are the ones providing the gender-affirming care, and parents are the ones taking them to get it.
Children and young people do not have the maturity to make life altering decisions (that are destructive regardless) advocated by the LGBTQ movement. So sad many will destroy their lives because politicians deny the obvious, there’s only two genders of humans, male and female. Science confirms it as males have a pair of XY chromosomes and females a pair of XX. And of course, God’s word makes it clear:
Except not everyone has XY or XX chromosomes. At least one in every 448 people are born with congenital sex chromosome variations like X (Turner syndrome), XXY (Klinefelter syndrome), XYY (Jacobs syndrome) and more. Intersex people also exist. Surely, if there are both chromosomal and phenotypic variations in sex, there can be variations in gender.
The people who are providing gender-affirming care, mind you, are doctors — i.e. people with actual backgrounds in biology. The people opposing gender-affirming care are politicians with no background in science and people who make recreations of giant arksin order to "demonstrate" how a 600-year-old guy from the Bible literally fit two of every animal on earth onboard in order to save all of the species (except unicorns, of course) from dying in a flood that God created to murder every human on earth because they were too sinful, after which he agreed not to flood the earth again so long as no one eats any blood.
It seems pretty clear whose understanding of "science" we ought to rely on.
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1: 27).
If God created men and women in his own image ... wouldn't that make him intersex? Or at least non-binary? Does God have a penis? And, if so, to what end? From what I know, he doesn't need that to get someone pregnant and prefers to just beam himself into a virgin's uterus, so what would he be using it for? I can't imagine he has to go to the bathroom.
What a travesty that this Governor would allow males to use women’s restrooms (and vice versa). By allowing young people to use the bathrooms of their choice is certainly a denial of the sin nature of man and what can happen because of that. Governor Beshear refers to his “faith,” — he needs to refer to the clear teaching of the Word of God on gender! The Governor does not own children, they belong to parents and ultimately to God. And they certainly don't belong to teachers.
If they belong to parents, shouldn't parents then be able to decide to get their children the care they need? And if they don't belong to teachers, then why does part of this bill allow teachers to misgender them?
Actually, contrary to what Gov Beshear claims, what the Kentucky legislature [ ... ] have passed are the strongest bills in the nation protecting kids, parents and teachers! Notice how the media always like to portray such legislation as "anti-trans" instead of "pro-children, pro-family, pro-parents" etc. Media like to use words they think will cause people to believe those passing such legislation are full of hate — which is not the truth at all. Yet, I often see hate from people directed at Christians/conservatives because they won't comply with the LGBT worldview.
Well, the reason no one calls these bills "pro-children, pro-family, pro-parents" is because they are, in fact, anti-all-of-those-things. If Christians and conservatives do not wish to have hate directed at them, perhaps they should stay out of people's business. When you insult people, get in their business, and tell them what medical care their kids are about to get, you can't exactly blame them for not liking you.
Now it is true that some people can struggle with emotional & medical issues as we live in a fallen world. Sin has affected us all. And we do need to show love to such people (as we should to all people) and help them in any way we can. Of course, if people reject God’s Word they will not understand this.
Is he suggesting that trans children are sinful?
Now, I fully admit that I don't know much about "God's Word," given that I do not believe in God. If I did believe that the God Ken Ham believes in existed, I sure as hell wouldn't worship him, because that guy sounds like a real asshole.
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Elohim for example.
As a Christian, "Male and female, He created them" is a silly reason to pretend there's no space for variation in the world. Same story says that God separated the light from the dark and called them day and night - are we pretending that dusk and dawn don't exist? It's night time and then *CLICK!* it's instantaneously pitch black out? It's weird to pretend that just because we can create very large categories for the purposes of organization there's no way to then create sub-categories or have any overlap or change as we receive new information.