<i>His own values system is so attuned to the political compass of our time that <b>he doesn’t need to reason out his position</b>.</i>

I've honestly never actually seen anyone seriously try to rationalize someone not using their brain before.

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who is dick morris?

seriously, i've forgotten.

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Newt, I think you’re cute. Former speaker of that house of ill repute.

In my personal Oz, you are my wizard. Your ma took one look and named you after a lizard.

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An ultra Maroon!

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Wonkette shouldn’t make fun of an author with the established track record of Dick Morris.

In "2010; Take Back America he documented how Barack Obama could be defeated.

In "Condi vs. Hillary, The Next Great Presidential Race" he predicted who would run in 2008.

In "Vote.com; How Big-Money Lobbyists and the Media Are Losing Their Influence, and the Internet Is Giving Power Back to the People" – well, that title speaks for itself.

Except it didn’t quite prove out, so Dick wrote "How Obama, Congress, and the Special Interests are Transforming…A Slump into a Crash, Freedom into Socialism, and a Disaster into a CATASTROPHE."

Wonkette dares to mock an author who wrote those books!

By the way, the entire set can be purchased in hardcover on Amazon for less than five bucks.

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"Famous Slug Dick Morris"

Why, I had no idea slugs even <b>had</b> dicks....

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<i>“a better, kinder, nicer man [than Mike Huckabee] never walked the earth”</i>

Headline: <b>Mike Huckabee "better than Jesus," claims Dick Morris</b>

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poop? you really are old school

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Shouldn't "Profit!" be in there somewhere?

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“It springs from within” Just another closeted gay Republican fantasy

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I'm disconcerted (and unsurprised) by the right's willingness to throw around seditious language like "revolt" as the path to getting the public policies they want. "Second Amendment remedies", "don't retreat, reload", sniper-scope targets on maps, "who's going to shoot Obama?".

Hey DIcky! Be careful what you wish for. If you think <i>taxes</i> are high, wait'll you see what your revolution costs.

We have elections, not barricades in this country. The Founders didn't want another revolution, so they made two year House terms.

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<i>"[Sarah Palin's] baptism of fire stands as the greatest example of sexist bias in the history of modern so-called journalism."</i>

The greatest. Really? How about this gem from the 2008 campaign:<blockquote>Morris diagnosed Clinton’s tears as genuine. “That is a breakdown,” Morris told Hannity. “You have to understand the sense of arrogant entitlement that she brought into this race… When that sense of entitlement breaks down, the emotions just come flooding out of her.”</blockquote>

(Note to Dick Morris: Sarah Palin™ is not going to blow you. You still have to pay someone else for that.)

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<i>Most of them (Newt Gingrich is a master of the genre) secretly yearn to be bullet point presentations. </i> Most of them originated as Power Point presentations. Copy, paste, insert excess verbiage and some questionable anecdotes, a little name-dropping and -> book. It's not like the teabaggers are going to pay for a Power Point presentation, you know.

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Hey Dick,

You're dethhhhpicable!

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