Seriously...who calls a candy a "dud"?

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What about glowing automated sheep?

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No no...don't tell them. Why ruin a perfectly good learning experience?

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I was wondering who the hell was voting for Mitt... now we know.

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What happens on the farm, stays on the farm.

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Won't catch on in farm country unless it comes with certain, um, "features."

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Finally a use for all those Romney <strike>offspring</strike> <u>voters</u>.


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The bright orange coloring makes the droppings easier to spot.

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<i>7 Romney sheep to tend the fields</i>

Probably make better presidents than the humanoid Romney breed as well.

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Romney sheep - I'll bet come November '12, there will be tons of them about. Obama is doomed.

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Hey, a Mormon fucks a sheep, and you never know what the offspring will be.

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Yesterday my boss was explaining how goats love to eat Doritos. They eat a whole bag at a time, then sit there with orange dust on their faces. Waiting for more. I think they're going to replace me with a goat.

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Goat wranglers have been hired to work high hillsides near California freeways for quite some time now. Goats don't want Social Security or overtime. Kind of like software engineers.

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you see baggers? you see?

"if you believe in fairies… If you believe, clap your hands and" the koch brothers will make sure your dream of limited government comes true.

(but Tink will certainly die. she didn't have health insurance after the roberts court overturned the individual insurance mandate and she contracted something from the sheep hired to tend her son's school's lawn.)

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