"Mr. Brezhnev, tear down that hedge!" never did work, did it?

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I read that his son is now replacing Joe Lieberman in the McCain-Graham-Xxxxxx triumvirate (Jobs Through Growth Act). With Joe shuffling off in the sunset the group needs another to thwart the Senate and democracy in general.

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That old friend from high school who found you on facebook and seems to have gone off the deep end during the intervening years?

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Great call! How could I forget him?

His daughter was briefly in my grade school. She drew a picture of a four-legged chicken.

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"We should be like 1900," Paul said. "We put up with things all the time. Having our debates broadcast over the radio because teevees weren't invented yet, why, we wouldn't be talking about wearing rugs over our eyebrows at all."

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I'll put up with this fugly eyebrows so long as he doesn't start wearing those God awful khaki shorts his son Rand wears. My dining room table legs look better than Rand's legs.

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This same exact thing happened on <i>I Love Lucy.</i> Lucy wanted to be on Ricky's show and he wuddan leh her, so she masqueraded as a man and did well until the hot lights began to melt her disguise, resulting in comedy. Ron Paul is old enough to have seen that episode.

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Everything is disintegrating! Pat Buchanan's new book tells all! <a href="http://www.drudgereport.com..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.drudgereport.com/flashpb.htm">http://www.drudgereport.com... <i>SUICIDE OF A SUPERPOWER "Will America Survive to 2025?"</i> Chapter 1: The Passing of a Superpower Chapter 2. The End of Christian America Chapter 3. The Crisis of Catholicism Chapter 4. The End of White America Chapter 5. Demographic Winter

And on and on. Game over people!

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Say the secret woid and get a Republican nomination!

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The Eyebrow Hall of Fame:

John L. Lewis (labor organizer - look him up)

Andy Rooney

Brook Shields

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Your link didn't work for me - but your comment was hilarious!

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I'm in the same boat. When I get a hair cut I have them trim the brows other wise it would like wooly bears were eating my face. Is there a market for eyebrow hair?

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Toupees? He don't need no stinking toupees. Not when he can join Eyebrow Club for Men™ and have eyebrows that stand up to wind, swimming and a lady's touch. <blockquote>"I tried everything else. But Eyebrow Club for Men™ really works!" --RP, Texas</blockquote>Call today. You'll be glad you did.

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