Gucci: "Here's some ugly, ugly shit for stupid people to spend stupid money on." Public: "Wow, how do you not see what that looks like." Gucci: "Oh shit, you right. Sorry about that. Wow. Sorry." Public: "It's cool. Thanks for being relatively understa--" Laura, She-Chihuahua of the SS: "NEIN!! DO NOT GIVE IN TO DER ESS JAY DUBBAYOOOOOOOOS!! SEIG HEIL!! SEIG HEIL!!"
Mom used to consider herself what passed for "woke" back in the day, happily inviting "those people" over when the rest of our midcentral Flaw'duh Kracka Kommunity recoiled at the very thought. And yet, she still had a homecrafted twine dispenser, made of half a dried coconut shell done up with glued felt and cloth to resemble a "mammy" with big round eyes and massive red lips (through which the twine ran) mounted on her kitchen wall.
...oh fuck I went to Google Images to see if I could find an example and now I want to gouge my eyes out fuuuuuuuuuck
Grew up in Boston in the 60s, left in 1991. I never even thought of doing that either. I'm trying to remember if I ever saw kids dressed up in black face at Halloween, I don't think so, but I can't be sure. Long time ago.
It;s ironic when they refer to the left as puritanical and overly sensitive and yet we aren't the ones who set our runners on fire when we are still wearing them or buy an extra coffee pot just so we can shot it because someone said a thing we don't like. We aren't still pissed because a razor company suggested that men be a little nicer, please. Grow the hell up and enough with the projection.
The Blacklava may be Laura Ingraham's last sponsor, hence her Faux love for knitted black face.
How does Laura feel about hideous amounts of plastic surgery and Botox I wonder?
Gucci: "Here's some ugly, ugly shit for stupid people to spend stupid money on." Public: "Wow, how do you not see what that looks like." Gucci: "Oh shit, you right. Sorry about that. Wow. Sorry." Public: "It's cool. Thanks for being relatively understa--" Laura, She-Chihuahua of the SS: "NEIN!! DO NOT GIVE IN TO DER ESS JAY DUBBAYOOOOOOOOS!! SEIG HEIL!! SEIG HEIL!!"
Mom used to consider herself what passed for "woke" back in the day, happily inviting "those people" over when the rest of our midcentral Flaw'duh Kracka Kommunity recoiled at the very thought. And yet, she still had a homecrafted twine dispenser, made of half a dried coconut shell done up with glued felt and cloth to resemble a "mammy" with big round eyes and massive red lips (through which the twine ran) mounted on her kitchen wall.
...oh fuck I went to Google Images to see if I could find an example and now I want to gouge my eyes out fuuuuuuuuuck
Yeah, they have. Prada got caught up in it last year.
But, I mean that racist caricature does export. There are Sambo dolls in China and Japan.
They knew what they were doing.
And it all could've been prevented if these hoity-toity workhouses had put one POC in their executive rooms.
But they're racist. So they won't do it.
How do people not know this? I heard at least three people trying to grasp at this yesterday.
The denial runs deep.
I know, right?
You think it’s easy to find alternative ways of saying “racism is fine?” She earns her pay while her soul withers.
They do that, too, with the unhealthy weight requirements to be a runway model.
Grew up in Boston in the 60s, left in 1991. I never even thought of doing that either. I'm trying to remember if I ever saw kids dressed up in black face at Halloween, I don't think so, but I can't be sure. Long time ago.
It;s ironic when they refer to the left as puritanical and overly sensitive and yet we aren't the ones who set our runners on fire when we are still wearing them or buy an extra coffee pot just so we can shot it because someone said a thing we don't like. We aren't still pissed because a razor company suggested that men be a little nicer, please. Grow the hell up and enough with the projection.
Why should Gucci pay her any mind?How may bags and wallets does she buy?
Yes, it is ironic.And, yes it is projection.
"Ingraham, capitalist crusader that she is, can't hang with the free market..." is both rhythmic and perverse. Nice.
Ah, Goodman Corey, always a pleasure. :)
(Nice use of the Crucible quote!)
This is a very good idea. My life would be vastly improved if I didn't have to look at her hateful face. Win-win.
She sold that sucker cheap, long ago, how do you think one gets to be on Fox (so-called) news?