George Will forgot to mention a few other nuggets from his childhood:

I grew up in Indiana with a 90% top marginal tax rate. It's just money. Get over it.

I grew up in Indiana in a house with lead paint. It's just brain damage. Get over it.

I grew up in Indiana where the last Northern lynching took place in 1930. It's a mob. Get over it.

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Obama isn't working....the A/C right.

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The only way to really explain climate change is by measuring trends. George Will's mentality has been trending toward the stupid. Long range forecast.... very dumb.

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I especially like it to rain torrentially just before the Schutts and the McSumpthinOrOthers decide to start shooting bottle rockets at each others' houses and properties, both nestled in amongst the trees; all while calling it wholesum patriot-holiday-themed entertainment.

(They just paint over the myriad scorch marks every year and laugh it off.) Funny thing is, if one or the others' house actually caught fire, the other family would be the first to go over to help put it out. This bloody holiday just seems to cause some aberration of faltered mental synapses, such that cause and effect becomes disconnected.

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Under 75, in the shade, and a pleasant breeze.

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Dammit, you beat me to it.

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Oh honey. So not true. It was over 40 with the humidex here and all I kept saying was, "FUCK it's hot!" Anything over 25 and it is too hot. Today was lovely, though, gotta say.

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Gravity is just a theory.

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Speaking of expert-bashing: <a href="http:\/\/news.yahoo.com\/blogs\/ticket\/romney-cabinet-won-t-filled-academics-politicians-021220567.html" target="_blank">Every time Mitt says "real jobs" take a drink.</a>

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I believe that Mr Will has never experienced anything hot in his lifetime. Especially sexual hotness.

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Possibly the "you-deserved-that-natural-disaster" argument was found wanting after the Colorado Springs fires.

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Dozy bunt.

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Don't worry. Just one snowstorm will prove there's no climate change. Just like one Thanksgiving dinner proves there's no hunger in the world.

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Is the dickens hotter before or after it's been smashed out of the saltines?

I'm guessing after.

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I thought the hot weather was God's way of telling the world he didn't like Obamacare.

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Now, what will happen if the South and the Southwest become uninhabitable because of the high temperatures, tornadoes, hurricanes, and dust storms? Will there be an exodus from the Sunbelt up to the Rust Belt and the Salmon Belt and the Chowder Belt? Will the newcomers adjust their position in the culture wars accordingly?

I would like to see that.

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